論文著作、科研成果及榮譽 |
1.Jiaoyang He#, Chongming Yang# and Guangchun Li*,Study on the enhancement of corn stover fermentation by bioactive water, E3S Web of Conerences, (ISSN: 2267-1242), CAES2021, (EI&ISTP檢索) 2.Mingzhe Wang, Haonan Zhang, Guangchun Li*. Biodegradation of Fluoranthene Contaminated Soil by Different Combinations of Bacteria. Earth and Environmental Science(2020)vol.526,No.1,012014 (EI&ISTP檢索,檢索号:20203008964821) 3.Han Yan, Mingzhe Wang, Wenhua Piao and Guangchun Li*,Effect of Bioactive Water on the Biodegradation of Naphthalene Contaminated Soil,Earth and Environmental Science 330 (2019) 032076(EI&ISTP檢索,檢索号:20200107953018) 4.Cheng, Xiao-xiao,Piao, Chun-xiang*,Li, Guang-chun*,Bio-system in high concentration organic wastewater treatment,Appled Ecology and Environmental Research, 16(5): 6525~6547,2018(SCI,DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.15666/aeer/1605_65256547) 5.Han Yan, Jia-Nan Ren, Tian-Tian Cai, Guang-Chun Li*,Hua Zhang*,Isolation of Oil-degrading Bacteria and Treatment of Oil Wastewater,Earth and Environmental Science 199 (2018) 022028,(EI&ISTP檢索,檢索号:20190206359756) 6.Han Yan, Bing Bai, Xiao-Xiao Cheng, Guang-Chun Li*, Shi-Chen Huang*, Chun-Xiang Piao*,Study on the Effect of cellulolytic strain MYB3 for Corn Stover Fermentation,Earth and Environmental Science 128(2018)012162, (EI&ISTP檢索,檢索号:20181705041123) 7.Bing Bai,Chang-Guo Yan, Guang-Chun Li*, Study on the Characteristics of Straw Fermentation by Bacillus megaterium MYB3,Earth and Environmental Science 81(2017)012010,(EI&ISTP檢索,檢索号:20173504081237) 8.白冰,李光春*,纖維素、半纖維素分解菌 MYB3和YB1菌株的生物學特性研究,延邊大學農學學報,2017年,39(3):55-60 9.Yipeng Wang, Shengbin Song, Shuang Sun, Rong Chen, Shichen Huang*, Guangchun Li*, Effects of pH and Temperature on Biogas Production Using Three Kinds of Animal Dung, Agricultural Science & Tehchnology,2017.18(12) 10.白冰,趙晶,樸春香,嚴昌國,李光春*,不同發酵處理對玉米稭稈黃貯品質的影響,延邊大學農學學報,2017年,39(4):66-71 11.Guang-Chun Li, Chunxiang Piao, Katsuhiko Saido and Seon-Yong Chung*, Isolation and characterization of a styrene trimer degrading microorganism,Advanced Materials Research, 1073-1076, 666-671,2015 (EI&ISTP檢索) 12.Guang-Chun Li, Seon-Yong Chung*, Jeong-Hun Park*, Bioavailability of slow-desorbable naphthalene in a biological air sparging system, Advances in Environmental Research, 1(3), pp 201-210,2012 13.李光春*,金明姬,董微巍,鄭宣龍,嚴昌國,不同組合微生物對養豬場廢水惡臭氣體排放影響的研究,安徽農業科學,40(33),16146-16148,2012 14.Guang-Chun Li, Sun-Kook Jung, Seon-Yong Chung, Young-Tae Jo, Jeong-Hun Park*, Remediation of diesel contaminated soil using flowing subcritical water. The Journal of Korean Society of Soil and Ground Water Environment, 16(3): pp10-16, 2011 主要論文 專利: 1.李光春; 白冰, 巨大芽孢杆菌MYB3及其在稭稈發酵飼料中的應用, 授權公告日:2021.2.2 專利号: ZL 2017 1 0298708.3;中國,申請日:2017.4.27, 2.李光春; 闫晗, 一種多環芳烴污染土壤的修複方法, 2019.09.06, 中國, 申請号:201910842109.2 3.李光春; 程曉曉; 金旭; 崔花子, 一種生物活性水及其制備方法, 2017.10.12, 中國, 申請号:201710943992.5 4.一種生物發酵飼料其制作方法及應用,授權公告日:2016.7.6,中國,ZL 2013 1 0478200.3 5.Compositions and methods for degrading vehicle's waste oil or vessel's leaked oil,2008.10,韓國,10-0866526 6.Complex bacteria(KACC 91316P) for degradation of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons,2008.12,韓國,10-0873054 7.Purification method for contaminated soil using subcritical water,2013.6,韓國,10-1276118 8.Sorting and calculating system for young abalone,2011.11, 韓國,10-1089376 9.Sorter for young abalone,2011.11, 韓國,10-1089377 10.Purification system for contaminated soil using subcritical water,2011.5,韓國,10-1038686 獎項: 1)延邊黃牛高檔牛肉生産飼料營養調控與推廣應用,吉林省科學技術獎二等 |