
發布日期:2021年10月12日 15時10分16秒   閱讀人數:

姓名 廉美蘭 性别
民族 朝鮮族 學位 博士
職稱 教授 職務
電話 0433-2435625 郵箱 mllian@ybu.edu.cn
學習經曆 1981年09月至1985年07月 吉林農業大學 蔬菜專業
1996年03月至1998年02月 韓國忠北大學 園藝專業 (碩士研究生);
1998年09月至2001年07月 韓國忠北大學 園藝專業 (博士研究生)
工作經曆 1985年07月至1988年02月 延邊農業科學院,助理研究員
1988年03月至1996年02月 伟德投注官网下载,講師
2003年01月至2004年12月 伟德投注官网下载,副教授
2005年01月至~ 伟德投注官网下载,教授
2001年09月至2002年12月 韓國忠北大學尖端園藝技術開發中心 (博士後)
2009年10月至2010年04月 美國普渡大學,訪問學者
承擔主要課程 本科生課程:《園林花卉學》,《草坪學》
研究方向 植物細胞和器官生物反應器培養、次生代謝物生産及生物活性研究
科研項目 1.  高效生産黃酮和多糖的東北刺人參不定根補料分批培養機制及生物活性,國家自然基金委,2020~2023
2.  東北刺人參不定根反應器培養機制及抗氧化特性研究,國家自然基金委,2013~2016
3.  生物反應器内鐵皮石斛原球莖生長動力學及有效物質積累規律的研究,國家自然基金委,2012~2015
4.  蘭花根狀莖和圓球莖培養反應器及其微環境的調控研究,國家自然基金委,2009~2010
5.  脫毒百合鱗莖在生物反應器内培養條件優化及調控研究,國家自然基金委,2006~2008
6.  東北刺人參不定根反應器補料培養機制及其抗炎特性研究,吉林省科技發展計劃項目,2018~2020
7.  脫毒百合鱗莖在生物反應器内培養模式的研究,國家教委重點項目,2005~2007
論文著作、科研成果及榮譽 論文
1.  Production of eurycomanone and polysaccharides through adventitious root culture of Eurycoma longifolia in a balloon-type airlift bioreactor. Biochem Eng J, 2021
2.  Fed-batch culture of Oplopanax elatus adventitious roots: Feeding medium selection through comprehensive evaluation using an analytic hierarchy process. Biochem Eng J, 2021
3.  Optimization of the culture medium of adventitious root culture to produce the flavonoids and the triterpenoids of Actinidia arguta by using an orthogonal design process. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture. 2021,
4.  Co-cultured adventitious roots of Echinacea pallida and Echinacea purpurea inhibit lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation via MAPK pathway in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Chinese Herb Med, 2021.
5.  Involvement of Putrescine, Nitric oxide, and hydrogen peroxide in methyl jasmonate-induced ginsenoside synthesis in adventitious root cultures of Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer. J Plant Growth Reg, 2020.
6.  Ginsenoside synthesis of adventitious roots in Panax ginseng is promoted by fungal suspension homogenate of Alternaria panax and regulated by several signaling molecules. Ind Crop Prod, 2020
7.  Cell bioreactor culture of Orostachys cartilaginous A. Bor. and involvement of nitric oxide in methyl jasmonate induced favonoid synthesis. Acta Physiol Plant. 2020
8.  Oplopanax elatus adventitious root production through fed-batch culture and their anti-bacterial effects. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture.2019
9.  Adventitious root cultures of Oplopanax elatus inhibit LPS-induced inflammation via suppressing MAPK and NF-B signaling pathways. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Animal, 2019
10. Improvement of bioactive compound accumulation in cell cultures of Orostachys cartilaginous A. Bor. through elicitation with salicylic acid and effect of cell extract on bioactive activity. Ind Crop Prod. 2019
11. A high production of flavonoids and anthraquinones via adventitious root culture of Oplopanax elatus and evaluating antioxidant activity. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 2019
12. Promising strategy to efficiently improve the kinsenoside and polysaccharide production of rhizome cultures of Anoectochilus roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl. Ind Crop Prod, 2018
13. Optimization of culture medium components and culture period for production of adventitious roots of Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 2018
14. Optimizing co-culture conditions of adventitious roots of Echinacea pallida and Echinacea purpurea in air-lift bioreactor systems. Biochem Eng J, 2018
15. Optimization of culture conditions for the production of polysaccharides and kinsenoside from the rhizome cultures of Anoectochilus roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant, 2018
16. Improvement of bioactive compound accumulation in adventitious root cultures of an endangered plant species, Oplopanax elatus. Acta Physiol Plant, 2017
17. Kinsenoside and polysaccharide production by rhizome culture of Anoectochilus roxburghii in continuous immersion bioreactor systems. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 2017
18. A novel co-culture system of adventitious roots of Echinacea species in bioreactors for high production of bioactive compounds. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 2017
19. Optimized culture medium for the production of flavonoids from Orostachys cartilaginea V.N. Boriss. callus cultures. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant, 2017
20. Cell suspension culture of Orostachys cartilaginous in bioreactor systems for bioactive compound production and evaluation of their antioxidant properties. Acta physiol plant, 2017

Production of Biomass and Bioactive Compounds Using Bioreactor Technology. Heidelberg, Berlin Springer. 2014, 10

1.  一種利用人參病原菌誘導子提高反應器培養西洋參不定根中皂苷含量的方法。發明專利,2017
2.  一種利用誘導子提高反應器培養東北刺人參不定根中有效物質的方法。發明專利,2017
3.  利用生物反應器培養鐵皮石斛原球莖的方法。發明專利,2012

上一條:吳榮哲 下一條:金英花
