承擔國家重點研發子課題1項、主持國家自然基金項目3項、國家引進國外智力項目5項,省科技廳自然科學重點項目1項、省農業農村廳現代農業産業技術體系項目1項、吉林省人才開發資金博士後擇優資助項目1項,吉林省三區人才項目1項。吉林省有突出貢獻人才,吉林省科學技術二等獎1項(排名第1);吉林省青年科技獎1項(排名第1)。發表SCI等論文30餘篇,著作2部,國家發明專利4件作權4件。 [1].Overexpression of DGAT2 Stimulates Lipid Droplet Formation and Triacylglycerol Accumulation in Bovine Satellite Cells. Animals (Basel). 2022 Jul 20;12(14):1847. [2].Screening the Carbon Source Type in Solid-State Fermentation with Phanerochaete chrysosporium to Improve the Forage Value of Corn Straw and Rice Straw. Animals (Basel). 2023 Feb 28;13(5):888. [3].Effect of ciglitazone on adipogenic transdifferentiation of bovine skeletal muscle satellite cells. J Anim Sci Technol. 2021 Jul;63(4):934-953. [4].Effect of palmitoleic acid on the differentiation of bovine skeletal muscle satellite cells. J Anim Sci Technol. 2021 Jul;63(4):919-933. [5].Oleic acid in the absence of a PPARγ agonist increases adipogenic gene expression in bovine muscle satellite cells1. J Anim Sci. 2019 Oct 3;97(10):4114-4123. [6].Adipogenic/lipogenic gene expression and fatty acid composition in chuck, loin, and round muscles in response to grain feeding of Yanbian Yellow cattle. J Anim Sci. 2018 Jun 29;96(7):2698-2709. [7]. Dietary whole and cracked linseed increases the proportion of oleic and α-linolenic acids in adipose tissues and decreases stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase, acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase, and fatty acid synthase gene expression in the longissimus thoracis muscle of Yanbian Yellow cattle. J Anim Sci. 2017 Feb;95(2):718-726. [8].Current situation and future prospects for beef production in China - A review. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2018 Jul;31(7):984-991. [9].Effects of dietary linseed oil and propionate precursors on ruminal microbial community, composition, and diversity in Yanbian yellow cattle. PLoS One. 2015 May 29;10(5):e0126473. [10].Dietary linseed oil with or without malate increases conjugated linoleic acid and oleic acid in milk fat and and gene expression in mammary gland and milk somatic cells of lactating goats. J Anim Sci. 2016 Aug;94(8):3572-3583. [11].不同濃度油酸對延邊牛骨骼肌衛星細胞成脂轉分化的影響[J].中國畜牧獸醫,2021,48(04):1188-1195. [12].延邊牛PPARγ基因的克隆及生物信息學分析[J].中國畜牧獸醫,2021,48(08):2695-2704. [13].延邊牛PLIN2基因CDS區克隆、生物信息學分析及其表達規律研究[J].中國畜牧獸醫,2021,48(03):829-838. [14].基于轉錄組測序的油酸誘導延邊牛骨骼肌衛星細胞成脂分化差異表達基因的分析[J].動物營養學報,2021,33(04) [15].不同種類脂肪酸對延邊黃牛骨骼肌衛星細胞成脂轉分化的影響[J].中國畜牧獸醫,2020,47(04):992-999. |