論文著作、科研成果及榮譽 |
1. 齊文華,金藝華*,尹振浩,朱衛紅. 基于SWAT模型的圖們江流域藍綠水資源供需平衡分析. 生态學報,43(8): 3116-3127. 2. 齊文華,金藝華*,尹振浩. 2023.圖們江流域SWAT模型的構建及其參數敏感性分析. 水力發電,49(2): 12-16. 3. Yihua Jin, Jingrong Zhu, Sunyong Sung, Dongkun Lee, 2017. Application of Satellite Data Spatiotemporal Fusion in Predicting Seasonal NDVI. 韓國遙感學會期刊,33(2), 149-158. 4. Yihua Jin, Jingrong Zhu, SunYong Sung, Dongkun Lee, 2017. Impact Assessment of Forest Development on Net Primary Production using Satellite Image Spatio-temporal Fusion and CASA-Model. 韓國環境複原技術學會期刊, 20(4), 29-42. 5. Yihua Jin, Sunyoung Sun, Dongkun Lee, Gres S. Bigging, Seunggyu Jeong, 2016. Mapping Deforestation area in North Korea Using Phenology-based Multi-Index and Random Forest. Remote Sensing, 8(12), 997. 6. Yihua Jin, Seunggyu Jeong, Selgi Jeong, Dongkun Lee, 2015. Assessment on the Forest Conservation Value Considering Forest Ecosystem Services: the case of Gapyung-gun. 韓國環境影響評價學術期刊, 24(5), 420-431.
獲獎: 全國大學生數學建模競賽 吉林賽區 二等獎(指導教師) |