論文著作、科研成果及榮譽 |
發表論文20餘篇,出版著作2部,代表性論文如下: 1. Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria Increases Biomass, Effective Constituent, and Modifies Rhizosphere Bacterial Communities of Panax ginseng. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, 2019, 69 (2):135-146. 2. Effects of genotype and ecological environment on the community structure and function of symbiotic bacteria in rhizosphere of ginseng. BMC Microbiology, 2022,22(1):1-17. 獲獎: 1.指導學生參加全國大學生生命科學競賽、互聯網+創新創業大賽等獲得國家級三等獎,省級一等獎、二等獎、三等獎等; 2.吉林省科技進步三等獎1項(排2)。 |