近三年代表性論文 [1]Analysis of microbial community succession and characteristic flavour during dry ageing of Yanbian beef[J]. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2024. [2]Exploring the novel antioxidant peptides in low-salt dry-cured ham: Preparation, purification, identification and molecular docking[J]. Food Chemistry, 2024. [3]Hydrolysis of Beef Sarcoplasmic Protein by Dry-Aged Beef-Isolated Penicillium oxalicum and Its Associated Metabolic Pathways[J]. Foods, 2024. [4]A three-in-one versatile sensor for concise detecting biogenic amines and beef freshness[J]. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2024. [5]Protective effect of onion peel extract on ageing mouse oocytes[J]. Zygote, 2023. [6]Effects of low salt on lipid oxidation and hydrolysis, fatty acids composition and volatiles flavor compounds of dry-cured ham during ripening[J]. LWT, 2023. [7]Hydrolysis of pork sarcoplasmic protein extracts by unique staphylococci isolated from low-salt dry-cured ham[J]. LWT, 2022. [8]Effects of G-Rh2 on mast cell-mediated anaphylaxis via AKT-Nrf2/NF-κB and MAPK-Nrf2/NF-κB pathways[J]. Journal of Ginseng Research, 2022. [9]Onion (Allium cepa L.) peel extract effects on 3T3-L1 adipocytes and high-fat diet-induced obese mice[J]. Food Bioscience, 2021. [10]延邊黃牛肉幹、濕法成熟過程中嫩度的變化[J].食品與機械,2024. [11]幹法成熟工藝對延邊黃牛臀肉品質的影響[J].食品與機械,2023. [12]人參、大蒜混合發酵過程中微生物多樣性、成分及抗氧化能力分析[J].食品科學,2022. [13]蒜皮大蒜素提取工藝優化及抗氧化特性研究[J].食品科技,2022. [14]西式發酵火腿低鈉加工過程中細菌群落結構分析[J].食品科學,2021. [15]西式發酵火腿低鈉加工過程中細菌群落結構分析[J].食品科學,2021. [16]火腿風味的低鈉發酵肉制品品質及風味研究[J].食品與機械,2019. [17]低鈉發酵肉制品理化特性及風味分析[J].食品與機械,2019. 專利: [1]一種複方蒜皮組合物及其制備方法和應用,CN202310896099.7 [2]一種硫代派洛甯衍生物分子探針及制備方法和應用,檢測生物胺的試紙及制備方法和應用,CN202311367815.9 [3]一種幹法成熟牛臀肉及其加工方法(真菌),202410056522.7 [4]一種治療過敏性哮喘的組合物及其制備方法,CN 1034332230 B, [5]一種洋蔥皮黃酮的制備方法及應用,ZL 201710007217.9 [6]一種從人參莖葉中獲取黃酮苷元的方法,ZL 201510122387.2 [7]一種治療腎間質纖維化的黑人參提取物、黑人參速釋微丸及其應用,ZL 2020 10894333.9 [8]Method For Preparing Deapioplatycodind And Use Thereof,LU500964 [9]Method For Inhibiting Formation Of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons In Grilled Meat Through Onion Skin Extract,2022/08905 [10]Method For Making Low-sodium Fermented Flavored Meat Product,2023/03077 著作及教材: [1] 食品加工基礎,吉林大學出版社,副主編,2016 獎勵及榮譽: [1]延邊大學“黃大年式”教師團隊,延邊大學,負責人,2022 [2]吉林省農産品加工業發展貢獻獎先進個人,吉林省人民政府,2022 [3]人參莖葉黃酮糖苷水解轉化及産物微膠囊化研究與應用,吉林省科學技術三等獎,2019 [4]長白山軟棗猕猴桃蛋白酶開發與應用,吉林省科學技術進步三等獎,吉林省科技廳,2017 [5]高檔延邊黃牛肉生産技術與肉質評價體系及應用,吉林省科學技術三等獎,2013 |